Reunification process for Columbia El Salvador Guatemala and Honduras

Reunification process for Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras

As of July 7, 2023, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced family reunification parole (FRP) processes for Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The new processes are for nationals from Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras whose family members are US citizens or lawful permanent residents. Beneficiaries who have an approved I-130 from Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras may be eligible to be considered. Qualifying beneficiaries must meet all the requirements:

The petitioning US citizen or lawful permanent resident would receive an invitation from the Department of State once the I-130 is approved. The invited petitioner would file a request on behalf of the beneficiary and eligible family members for consideration of travel authorization and parole. Parole is on a case-by-case basis for nationals of these countries and may take up to three years. However, individuals may request employment authorization while waiting for immigration visas. For more information on the reunification process, call our office at 954-344-7737.

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