Prenup Agreement Lawyer Coral Springs

Couples must protect the assets they own prior to entering the marriage and make sure that they uphold their right to certain assets they and their spouse acquire during the marriage. When a person has a child from a previous marriage or relationship, it is also important that he or she protects his or her right to their assets through the execution of a prenuptial agreement. This is where the services of a prenup agreement lawyer Coral Springs come in.

A prenuptial agreement contract is similar with that of an insurance policy. It is like you hope to never use it, but when the time unexpectedly comes, then you are glad to have it ready. This type of contract adheres to sets of rules for the court to comply with regarding each party’s interests in the couple's conjugal assets the moment one of the parties dies or when the marriage is terminated.

Brodzki Jacobs Law Firm: The Only Trusted Prenup Agreement Lawyers

Not having a prenuptial agreement executed means that the court is encouraged to have the divorcing couple's assets divided under the principle of equitable distribution, providing that each partner may get a share of the marital property based on his or her contributions to the marriage. To avoid this, reach out to the prenup agreement lawyer Coral Springs from Brodzki Jacobs Law Firm.

A prenuptial agreement contract is deemed as a smartwise investment of time and money for individuals who have plans of getting married or entering into a civil union. In essence, these parties get a form of certainty when they decide to divorce. A well executed and made prenup can help preserve and protect the assets each party has into the marriage.

Your Legal Relationship Matters To Us

Even if no one really would get married with the intention of getting a divorce, it is still wise to take in all possibilities, especially when taking in the consequences later on. Discussing the happenings if you and your spouse decide to get divorce may not be a favorite topic, a prenup agreement lawyer Coral Springs is your best help.

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